Clear and Present Game Changers: Creating Growth in an Uncertain Climate

George Cloutier in his book Profits Aren’t Everything, They’re the Only Thing says: “It’s easy to blame the economy but the underlying cause is the business owner’s unwillingness to do the obvious: get out there and hustle.” There are great opportunities all around for those who commit to making it happen and give a little bit more every day. Abraham Lincoln once observed: “Good things may come to those who wait, but only those things left behind by those who hustle.”

If you hustle and act quickly when you resolve to do something, you will be much more productive. The ability to take action and implement is one of the most powerful ways to ensure that you will stay on top of everything you have do that needs to be done. Be one who is known for always tackling new projects with fervor and enthusiasm and being committed enough to work until they are done. You can’t afford to be complacent. You must be willing to do the hard things and do them now. Don’t delay.

If you’re experiencing difficulty in your business, don’t wait it out. Waiting for things to be different most likely means that you are in for a long wait and will probably miss the opportunities that come to those who hustle. Don’t take no for an answer. Estée Lauder once reminded her sales force that “I didn’t get there [to the sale] by wishing for it or hoping for it, but by working for it.” She was described in her biography as “a woman you simply can’t say no to…the real reason Lauder has succeeded where others have failed it that she simply refuses to give up.”

Here is an assignment for you. Make a list of what you could be doing or doing faster in your franchise to become more productive. Then, once you have that list in place, act on it every day. Remember, the real difference between financial success and mediocrity in any business is action and implementation. There is no question that work is a verb. All of us know more than we do. If you’ve been sitting on a great idea that can help you accelerate your business and beat your competitors, now is the time to get up, get started, and make it happen. Don’t make excuses. Just get it done (and don’t forget to hustle).

Choose to be more focused on your productivity every hour of each day. Improve yourself and those around you. Then, you will increase your effectiveness and your business will become even more profitable and successful.